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Here Goes!

I’ve sniffed about on web sites, eaves-dropped on what relatives are doing, and dined on the writing of photographers more experienced than I. But up till now, I’ve had enough on my plate just getting...

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Why Hire a Professional Event Photographer Instead of Uncle Joe?

Now that I have several weddings under my belt and have fielded many other inquiries from potential bridal clients, I’m realizing that most people don’t understand why hiring a professional...

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How Much Do Wedding Photographers Cost?

I quickly realized that I couldn’t make a profit that rewarded me for my time and effort at that level, particularly if I hired an assistant, which I judged to be essential to delivering a great...

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Why Do Wedding Photographers Charge So Much?

You think, “It’s going to cost me more than a thousand dollars just to have someone photograph my wedding, and that doesn’t even include any prints, books, or albums! ...Uncle Joe may own a camera and...

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Nothing to Lose!

You may have experienced this, or you may have seen your friends’ drop-dead gorgeous portraits on display, and you were afraid to ask what they cost. ...Since I’m a small studio looking to expand in...

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Studio Setup for Infant Portraits

I’d been wanting to try some high-key photography (that’s where the exposure is pushed above a normal level to emphasize the bright whites and highlights) as well as experiment with fun setups for...

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Real Estate Photography, Pt. 1: What They See Is What You'll Get

Whether you hire an agent or elect to sell it yourself, one of the most strategic decisions you must make is how to photograph it. ...It may surprise you to learn that the first sample (as you see from...

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Real Estate Photography, Pt. 2: Getting the Light Right

The problem with using a point-and-shoot camera to shoot a real estate listing isn’t really about the type of camera; it’s about the mode of shooting. ...The problem is that the camera can’t do that...

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Real Estate Photography, Pt. 3: We Will Control the Vertical!

In this photo, one strobe is placed behind the camera, lighting the room we stand in; a second stands behind the wall to the left and illuminates the hallway; and a third brightens the room in the...

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Certification: Why Bother?

It had taken many years to even reach the point where I considered this, and I had learned some sobering truths about photography: Anyone can own a camera, but not just anyone with a camera can make...

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I Am a Photographer (A Poem)

If I own a hammer, square, and tape measure, does that make me a carpenter? If I own a pair of scissors and electric clippers, does that make me a hairdresser? If I own a state of the art kitchen, can...

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